Nursing students’ experiences with clinical placement as a learning environment for assertiveness:
Bril, Ivo; Boer, Hedwig J.; Degens, Nick; Fleer, Joke
Success factors of women entrepreneurs in Ghana
Boakye Agyemang, P. (Student); Arensbergen, P. van
Female executives and corporate governance
Ana Pandurevic (Student); Vanessa Yazbek (Docent); Hélène Kolmodin (Begeleider)
Nominated for the HZ Stern 2022Families in vulnerable circumstances
H.W. Torij
De ervaringen van patiënten met een schouderluxatie met de terugkeer naar de sport: een kwalitatief praktijkonderzoek met thematische analyse
Tom Klijnman (Student)
Democratizing the Arts
Marc de Roover (Student)
Prikkels beter in beeld
Ayan Hashi (Student); Moni Janssen (Student); Demi Steggink (Student); Wopke Willemsen (Student); Juliane Stöcker (Docent)
Mental health and dropout of nursing students
E.J.M. Bakker
Assessing the experience of person‐centred coordinated care of people with chronic conditions in the Netherlands : Validation of the Dutch P3CEQ
Mieke Rijken; James Close; Juliane Menting; Manon Lette; Annerieke Stoop; Nick Zonneveld; Helen Lloyd; Simone de Bruin (Lector); Monique Heijmans
Why all the drama?
Goodnight, Kristina; van Beuningen, Catherine; de Graaff, Rick