Lesson study in Dutch initial teacher education explored : its potential and pitfalls
Tijmen M. Schipper (Associate Lector); Sui Lin Goei (Lector); Wouter R. Van Joolingen; T. Martijn Willemse (Associate Lector); Evelien C. Van Geffen
Evaluating the value of persuasive technology and the role of teachers in a blended learning course for social work students.
Engelbertink, M.M.J. (Monique) (Phd); Kelders, S. (Saskia) (Researcher); Woudt-Mittendorff, K.M. (Kariene) (Associatelector); Westerhof, G.J. (Gerben) (Professor)
Evaluating the value of persuasive technology and the role of teachers in a blended learning course for social work students
Engelbertink, M.M.J. (Monique) (Researcher); Kelders, S.M. (Saskia) (Researcher); Woudt-Mittendorff, K.M. (Karien) (Researcher); Westerhof, G.J. (Gerben) (Researcher)
The Effects of the PLAYTOD Program on Children’s Physical Activity at Preschool Playgrounds in a Deprived Urban Area: A Randomized Controlled Trial
Toussaint, Nicole; Streppel, Martinette T. (Lectoraat Voeding En Beweging); Mul, Sandra; Fukkink, Ruben G. (Kenniscentrum Onderwijs En Opvoeding); Weijs, Peter J.M. (Lectoraat Voeding En Beweging); Janssen, Mirka (Kenniscentrum Bewegen, Sport En Voeding)
Exploring school leaders' dilemmas in response to tensions related to teacher professional agency
M. Louws; R.C. Zwart; I. Zuiker; P.C. Meijer; Helma Oolbekkink; H. Schaap; A. van der Want
Orchestrating Mathematical Classroom Discourse About Various Solution Methods: Case Study of a Teacher's Development
C Kooloos; Helma Oolbekkink; R Kaenders; G Heckman
Cultural Challenges in Adapting SWPBIS to a Dutch Context
Monique J.M. Nelen (Lid Lectoraat); T. Martijn Willemse; Margreet A. van Oudheusden; Sui Lin Goei
You've got to crack a few eggs to make an omelette.
Rick de Graaff (Lector)
Masterclass on "Center of Nursing Excellence - train the trainers and building the network"
Dijkman, Bea; de Beer, Erwin
When students tackle grammatical problems
Jimmy van Rijt (Docent); Peter J.F. de Swart; Astrid Wijnands; Peter-Arno J.M. Coppen