A Research into gaining Customer Loyalty. Advice Report For Urban Tribe.
Isabelle Sanne Zonderland (Student); Nicolas Carey (Begeleider); Yael Fainsilber (Begeleider); Harry Smals (Begeleider)
European Emission Trading Scheme & aviation
P.G. (Paul) Nixon (Begeleider); Anke J. Terdu (Student)
Cocoa Marketing Company market opportunities in the Netherlands
Mariam Keita (Student); P.M. Koelemij (Begeleider)
Movement of horses between owners in Great Britain : investigating the movement of leisure horses, by focusing on equine trading and flexibility of equine ownership throughout Great Britain
Heijtel, M.G. (Student); Whay, H.; Higgins, A.; Oijen, M.A.A.J.
The Fight against Trading in Influence
Slingerland, W. (Willeke) (Researcher)
Business dissertation for EM sporthorses
Macchi, E. (Student); Warmenhoven, R.; Tartwijk, H. van
Fair Trade, CrossBorderProsperity and Muhammad Yunus : together for worldwide prosperity and empowered producers in developing countries
R. Silos (Begeleider); Jolanda Lütteke (Student); B.C. van der Sluijs (Begeleider)
Export Policy Plan J&S Furniture Trading : setting up a flagship store in Holland.
Shen Zhou (Student); F.J. Morrin (Begeleider)