The overview effect
Praasterink, F.M. (Lector)
Practising on-farm diversification and its contribution to food accessibility among smallholder farmers of Balcad district, Middle Shabelle region, Somalia
Ahmed, A.M. (Student); Akkermans, L.M.E.
Opportunities for value addition to improve the quality of goat meat supply to the institutional consumers
Issa, A.S. (Student); Janssen, K.A.M.
Groene gezondheid
Peppelenbos, H. (Lector)
Dagelijkse kost
Wertheim-Heck, S.C.O (Lector)
Everyday Fare
Wertheim-Heck, S.C.O (Lector)
Socio-cultural perceptions towards forgotten indigenous vegetables, an analysis of dutch versus ghanaian consumers
Anabire, E. (Student); Akkermans, L.M.E.
Gezondheidswinst visconsumptie bij hart- en vaatziekten en kanker
Klein, W. (Student); Maanen, R. van
Over voeding en ondervoeding
Leij, F.R. van der (Lector)
Promoting sustainable food consumption in the Netherlands
Frits van de Port (Student)