Behavior Change Support Systems
Laurence Alpay (Lid Lectoraat); Piiastiina Tikka; Sanaul Haque
Public Opinion Leadership in Nursing Practice: A Rogerian Concept Analysis
Marjolein van Wijk (Onderzoeker); Pieterbas Lalleman (Lector); G. Cummings (Onderzoeker); J. Engel (Onderzoeker)
National differences in Gen Z work values
Prantik Bordoloi; Peter de Boer
Promoting Factors to Stay at Work Among Employees With Common Mental Health Problems: A Multiple-Stakeholder Concept Mapping Study.
Suzanne van Hees; Bouwine Carlier; R.W.B. Blonk; S. Oomens
Framework for analyzing conceptions of excellence in higher education: a reflective tool
de Jong, Nelleke; Boon, M.; van Gorp, B.; Buttner, Svenja; Kamans, Elanor (Talent Development In Higher Education And Society); Wolfensberger, Marca
Feasibility of a stratified blended physiotherapy intervention for patients with non-specific low back pain: a mixed methods study
van Tilburg, Mark L.; Kloek, Corelien J.J.; Staal, J. Bart; Bossen, Daniël (Lectoraat Oefentherapie); Veenhof, Cindy
Reframing teacher professional identity and learning
Douwe Beijaard (Onderzoeker); Maaike Koopman (Onderzoeker); Gonny Schellings (Onderzoeker)
A collective biography on working relationships in inclusive research teams
Sofie Sergeant (Onderzoeker); Hanna Peels; Henriëtte Sandvoort; Pseudonym Beau; Patrick Schelfhout; Elisabeth De Schauwer
Empowerment in complex dynamische systemen
Collignon, Debby; Ex, Carine (Kenniscentrum Onderwijs En Opvoeding)
Analysis of security lines policies for improving capacity in airports
Mujica Mota, Miguel; Scala, Paolo; Murrieta-Mendoza, Alejandro; Orozco, Angel; Di Bernardi, Alejandro