Novel methods of instruction in ACL injury prevention programs, a systematic review
Benjaminse, Anne; Welling, Wouter; Otten, Bert; Gokeler, Alli
ACL research retreat VII
Shultz, Sandra; Schmitz, Randy; Benjaminse, Anne; Collins, Malcolm; Ford, Kevin; Kulas, Anthony
Effect of fatigue on landing performance assessed with the landing error scoring system (less) in patients after ACL reconstruction: a pilot study.
Gokeler, Alli; Dijkstra, P.U.; Welling, Wouter; Padua, Darin; Otten, Bert; Benjaminse, Anne
Prevention of ACL injuries in team sports
Dallinga, Joan
Quadriceps function following ACL reconstruction and rehabilitation: implications for optimisation of current practices
Gokeler, Alli; Bisschop, Marsha; Benjaminse, Anne; Myer, Gregory; Otten, Bert
Valgus Collapse and Gender
Ton de Lange (Begeleider); Marie Kine Berg (Student)
Preventieve oefenprogramma's voor voorste kruisbandletsels bij adolescente voetbalsters : een systematische review
Suzanne Hoogendoorn
Assessment of functional performance after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: a systematic review of measurement procedures
N. Engelen-van Melick; Robert van Cingel; M. Tijssen; Ria Nijhuis-van der Sanden
Voetballen op kunstgras : Top of Strop?
Stijn Gevers