Assessing Oral Presentation Performance
Stan van Ginkel (Lid Lectoraat); Ramona Laurentzen; Martin Mulder; Asko Mononen; Janika Kyttä
Applicability of progress testing in veterinary medical education
Favier, Robert P.; van der Vleuten, Cees P. M.; Ramaekers, Stephan P. J. (Faculteit Gezondheid)
It's not rocket science
Geveke, Carla (Youth, Education And Society); van Geert, Paul L.C.; Steenbeek, Henderien
Hulpmiddel of dwangbuis?
C.J. Hoogmoed (Student); Iris van de Velde (Begeleider); P.O.I. Mortier (Begeleider)
Training Intercultural Competence in the International Classroom
Corina Tabacaru (Lid Lectoraat)
The implications of English-medium instruction on teaching practice and learning outcomes at The Hague University of Applied Sciences
Joyce den Heijer (Lid Lectoraat)
Game on! Lessons learned from joint development and production of health games
Leupen, Harro (New Business & Ict); Willems, Rob; Onyango, George; Odongo, Peter
IMBES conference 2014
Steenbeek, Henderien
Catching the wave of video teaching
Zac Woolfitt (Student); Pieter Swager (Begeleider)
A National ICT Competency Framework for Student Teachers
Jeroen Bottema (Lid Lectoraat); Maurice Schols