Knowledge, sensory experience, and sensor technology
Dubois, D.; Coler, M.; Wörtche, H. (Sensors And Smart Systems)
Recognizing new perspectives in eating difficulties following stroke
Marianne E. Klinke; Margaret E. Wilson; Thóra Hafsteinsdóttir; Helga Jónsdóttir
China in the light of the green economy
Jessica Reis Leffers (Student); M. van Munster (Begeleider)
The adaptive approach to thermal comfort: A critical overview
J van Hoof; E Halawa
Motivations for playing Guild Wars.
Nina Sandberg (Student); Peter de Groot (Begeleider)
The effectiveness of infectiveness: a study on the effects of viral marketing on secondary school juniors
A.E. Kandou (Begeleider); Yoch de Visser (Student)
LARS ligamenten versus de BPTB en HT reconstructies bij een voorste kruisbandruptuur
Jasper Flinterman (Student)
Conflicting demands and the power of defensive routines in participatory action research.
Dr Gaby Jacobs (Lector)