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“Looking behind the scene” : opportunities and challenges of a partnership approach : the case of the "income generating activities project", Morogoro Region, Tanzania
Akyoo, E.P. (Student); Put, M.; Witteveen, L.
The overlooked knowledge: exploring knowledge circulation in the scaling up of Local Innovation: the case of beehive construction and queen replacement in Enebsie District, Ethiopia
Getnet, A. (Student); Moore, I. de; Bernard
Bridging the gap between technological possibilities and the people : the case of citrus farming Makueni District, Kenya.
Kamula, J.M. (Student); Moor, I. de
Strengthening rural agricultural training program through participation and training needs assessment : ‘The case of National Directorate of Employment (NDE) Trainees in Karsana Bwari Area Council Abuja Nigeria’
Oruoyehu, B.O. (Student); Scheffers, S.
Access constraints by women farmers to Multiflower extension services : the case of Mvomero district, Tanzania
Mhango, S.S. (Student); Gildemacher, B.; Westerndorp, A.
Hybrid dryer (solar and biomass furnance) to address the problem of post harvest losses of tomatoes in Rwanda
Mukaminega, D. (Student); Oenema, K.; Baars, R.