The Exodus from the Netherlands or Brain Circulation: Push and Pull Factors ofRemigration among Highly Educated Turkish Dutch
T. Notten; G. Celik
The Exodus from the Netherlands or Brain Circulation
dr. Gürkan Çelik (Lector); Ton Notten
Innovation in food and health
Vree-van Straten, J.; Roodenburg, A.J.C. (Lector)
Organic tea in the supermarket
L.J. Harris (Begeleider); Samantha M. Siewertsen (Student)
Binding International Talent to the Netherlands
J.H.C. (Jos) Walenkamp (Lector); A. (Andreas) Funk (Lid Lectoraat)
Reward-based Crowdfunding for Creative Projects
Aiste Juozaponyte (Student); Dragana Licina (Begeleider)
Engaging with Consumer Tribes.
Willemijn van den Broek (Student); Peter Applebaum (Begeleider); Summer Howcroft (Begeleider); Ed Olijerhoek (Begeleider)
How can the city of Maastricht profile itself as an expatriate destination through city and marketing communication?
Yanday Keppel (Student); M.J. Hernandez (Begeleider)
Do planning and preparation relate predict success in SME-transfers?
Lex van Teeffelen (Lid Lectoraat)