Zocht je misschien: distinction?
De implementatie van WhatsApp binnen Den Haag Marketing
Ivo Krapels (Student)
Destination Safety and Dutch Tourism Flows
Peter Singleton (Onderzoeker)
Russian travel market inbound
Dimov, EH (Emil) (Student)
Looking into the Brazilian Market
Hattem, R (Robbert) van (Student)
Tourist Marketing
Jos Schroder (Begeleider); Narges Raoufi (Student)
Estimating Impacts
Conrad Lashley (Onderzoeker); Albert Postma (Onderzoeker)
Human trafficking and sexual exploitation in Spain
Joyce Bos (Student); Roberto Barroso Vloedgraven
Detection of Botnet Command and Control Traffic by the Identification of Untrusted Destinations
M.E.M. (Marcel) Spruit (Lector); Pieter Burghouwt; Henk Sips
Is there a future for D-reizen?
Natasja Rensen (Student); W.M.J. van Leeuwen (Begeleider)
The road to successful geriatric rehabilitation
Marije Holstege (Lector)