Zocht je misschien: ethiopia?
Effect of market information on the performance of flower sector of Ethiopia
Duressa, R.F. (Student); Houwers, G.
Is it a marketing place or fertile ground for HIV infection? : night market as a risk environment for HIV infection among women and girls: a case of Hawella Tulla district, southern Ethiopia
Shiferaw, M.M. (Student); Kingma, J.T.
Improved seed for poor farmers : contribution of CBDA managed improved seed distribution system : the case of Enebssie Sar Midir district, Eastern Gojam Zone, Ethiopia
Tewoldebirhan, M.D. (Student); Janssen, K.A.M.
Assessing the opportunities and constraints for gender mainstreaming in agricultural development office : a case study in agricultural development office of Damot Gale district Wolayita zone, Southern Nations Nationalities and Peoples Region (SNNPR) of Ethiopia
Goshana, A.G. (Student); Westendorp, A.M.B.
Assessing factors influencing staffs’s susceptibility to HIV: a case of Pastoral Affairs Bureau and Pastoral Community Development Project, Southern Ethiopia
Tsegaye Wolanna, A. (Student); Kingma, J.T.
Between herd and school desk : a study to analyse what is leading to low girls attendance in primary schools in Harshin area, Ethiopia
Jong, F. de (Student); Westendorp, A.M.B.
Effectiveness of interventions to eliminate the practice of female genital mutilation : a case study in Sodoo Zuriya District, Wolaita Zone, Southern Nations and Nationalities People Regional State (SNNPRS), Ethiopia
Toshe, A.D. (Student); Westendorp, A.M.B.
Factors affecting honey pricing in domestic supply chain : the case of the Konso District, Ethiopia
Lemita, S.K. (Student); Hoekstra, J.
Irrigation sustainability in rural Amhara, Ethiopia: contributions to Deutsche Welthungerhilfe’s “MDG Water and Sanitation Program”
Meier zu Biesen, C. (Student); Hoof, H. van
Impact of HIV and AIDS related stigma and discrimination on income at household level : the case of Babile district, Ehtiopia
Mamo Bedada, S. (Student); Koucher, A.