Social Cognitive Skills in Schizophrania
Becker, N (Nora) (Student)
The Honours Experience (Synopsis)
Pierre van Eijl (Docent); Albert Pilot (Docent)
Het effect van Virtual Reality op de posturale controle’
Sil Kloppenburg (Begeleider); Lennart Driece (Student)
How can stakeholder theory help improve the social performance of companies in the supply chain?
Sharron Haasnoot (Student); E.J. van Weperen
Dementia case management through the eyes of informal carers. A national evaluation study.
A.L. Francke (Onderzoeker); P. Spreeuwenberg; J. de Lange (Lector); A.M. Pot; R Verkaik; J.M. Peeters
Angels talking back and new organs of perception
van Boeckel, Jan (Art & Sustainability)
Leadership and empathy
Smilde, Rineke
Software voor de contactloze kopdiktemeter
J.D. Schagen (Begeleider); K.V. Toet (Student); M.G. Maris (Begeleider)
MillenniumDoen! and global citizenship
S. (Saskia) Rademaker (Lid Lectoraat)
Bakker Bart and the German Market
Gijs G.J.C. Vermeulen (Begeleider); Mylene E. van Schaik (Student); Jos Schroder (Begeleider)