Discussing patients’ insurance and out-of-pocket expenses during GPs’ consultations
Aafke Victoor (Onderzoeker); Janneke Noordman (Onderzoeker); Amy Potappel (Onderzoeker); Maartje C. Meijers (Onderzoeker); Corelien Kloek (Onderzoeker); Judith D. de Jong (Onderzoeker)
Ideas, Context and Connections: Conceptual Framing of the Opportunity to Innovate for Migrant Entrepreneurs
Alvarado, Juan Francisco (Lectoraat Ondernemerschap)
Conversational Commerce
Marja Exalto-Sijbrands (Lid Lectoraat); Maarten de Jong; Tim de Koning; Axel Groothuis; Pascal Ravesteijn (Lector)
The Immediate and Lagged Effects of Advisory Support in SME Mergers and Acquisitions: A Buyer’s Perspective.
Lex van Teeffelen (Lector)
What concerns regarding the rise of reduced VAT rate are there within hospitality industry, in the environment of hotel ‘’Golden Tulip Westduin’’?
Dorota Chatkevic (Student); Peter Kruizinga (Begeleider); Margot Tempelman (Begeleider); R. Minnaard (Begeleider)
Examining the relationship between a hospitals's IT infrastructure capability and digital capabilities
Rogier van de Wetering; Johan Versendaal (Lector); Pien Walraven
Real-time Location Systems for Asset Management in Nursing Homes
Joost van Hoof; Joey Verboor; C.E. Oude Weernink; Anne-mie Sponselee; Janienke Sturm; Jan K. Kazak; G.M.J. Govers; Yvonne van Zaalen
Influence of microfinance institution on the economic empowerment among the youths in Tanzania
Madonda, A.E. (Student); Kingma, J.T.
The impact of micro finance service on women members livelihood
Beneberu, E.A. (Student); Bleeker, S.
Een behoefte onderzoek in de branche “intensieve energiegebruikers” in de transformatoren markt.
Joey van den Nouweland (Student)