Zocht je misschien: government?
After us the deluge
Graaf, JW (Jan Willem) de (Lector)
(re)CYCLE Limburg 4
Nurhan Abujidi (Lector); Marijn van de Weijer; Herwin Sap
A systematic scoping review on contextual factors associated with communicative participation among children with developmental language disorder
Ingrid Singer (Onderzoeker); Ellen de Wit (Onderzoeker); Jan Willem Gorter (Onderzoeker); Margreet Luinge (Onderzoeker); Ellen Gerrits (Lector)
Putting Humans First
Scheltema, Michiel; Timmer, Ivar (Lectoraat Legal Management & Technologie I.O); Jacob, Kai; Schindler, Dierk; Strathausen, Roger; Waltl, Bernhard
Cities for talent
Counihan, Marian; van Winden, Willem (Lectoraat Urban Economic Innovation)
Managing a transition towards a sustainable agro-food system
Eweg, H.P.A. (Lector)
Maximizing the taste perception of instant vegan soup powders using natural taste enhancers
Maria Paula de Mey (Student)
Street-level bureaucrats: tensions and challenges in online placemaking
Pieter Breek (Onderzoeker); Joke Hermes (Lector); Jasper Eshuis (Onderzoeker)
How the Covid-19 pandemic has transformed consumer behaviour towards online food shopping
Cudoni, C. (Student); Kauffmann, E.H.
Collaboration of Youth Social Work Professionals with Volunteers, Parents and Other Professionals
Rumping, S. M. (Lectoraat Jeugdzorg); Manders, W. A.; Metz, J. W.