The impact of research by TLT
Garmt Meulendijks (Onderzoeker); Nynke Bos (Lector); Jeroen Bottema (Onderzoeker)
Exploring the Relationship between Saber Pro Test Outcomes and Student Teacher Characteristics in Colombia: Recommendations for Improving Bachelor’s Degree Education
Sáenz-Castro, Paola; Vlachopoulos, Dimitrios; Fàbregues, Sergi
Learning Partnerships (WP5) COP Report
Hofenk, Harold (Sports Science); de Jong, Johan (Healthy Lifestyle, Sports And Physical Activity); Selker, Jacqueline; Beenen, Paul
Effects of The language and accessibility bill on THUAS
Filip Křivánek (Student); Nathalie H.H.M. Schwan (Begeleider)
Adapting a capacity-development-in-higher-education project
L. Jacobs; K. Wimpenny; L. Mitchell; C. Hagenmeier; J.M.H.J. (Jos) Beelen (Lector); M. Hodges; V. George; A. DeWinter; C. Slambee; S. Obadire
Intercultural, interdisciplinary design thinking in action
Marloes Ambagts-van Rooijen (Lid Lectoraat); R. Scheltinga (Docent)
Mission Impact
Bas van den Berg (Onderzoeker)
Higher Education and Wicked Problems
Bas van den Berg (Onderzoeker)
Webinar The Fusion of Lean With Industry 4.0 - 2021-06-10
Mr Gupta; Jannes Slomp
Entrepreneurial learning at the boundary
Lans, Thomas; Lubberink, Rob; Ploum, Lisa; Ammann, Marie; Gondwe, Sera