What the correlation between Critical Thinking and Academic Emotions can mean for education
Bruin, B (Birthe) (Student)
Telling the Bigger Video Story
Lovink, Geert (Lectoraat Netwerkcultuur)
Review article: Natural hazard risk assessments at the global scale
Ward, Philip J.; Blauhut, Veit; Bloemendaal, Nadia; Daniell, James E.; de Ruiter, Marleen C.; Duncan, Melanie J.; Emberson, Robert; Jenkins, Susanna F.; Kirschbaum, Dalia; Kunz, Michael; Mohr, Susanna; Muis, Sanne; Riddell, Graeme A.; Schäfer, Andreas; Stanley, Thomas; Veldkamp, Ted I. E. (Lectoraat Klimaatbestendige Stad); Winsemius, Hessel C.
README.first – Essays on film and technology / Essays over film en technologie
Rasch, Miriam; Strik, Jurian
Scientists warning to humanity
H.N. (Helen) Kopnina (Lid Lectoraat); Haydn Washington; Ian Lowe; Sandy Irvine
The same but differently
Imogen Eve (Onderzoeker)
Hoop en positief denken bij mensen met kanker
Corine Nierop-van Baalen (Lid Lectoraat)
Joe Gray; Anna Wienhues; H.N. (Helen) Kopnina (Lid Lectoraat); Jennifer DeMoss
Radical care
Ampatzidou, Christina ; Molenda, Ania