Introduction of ramp-LOSA at KLM Ground Services
de Boer, R.J.; Koncak, B.; Habekotté, R.; van Hilten, G.J.
The effectiveness of infectiveness: a study on the effects of viral marketing on secondary school juniors
A.E. Kandou (Begeleider); Yoch de Visser (Student)
Assessment of effective implementation of internal HIV/AIDS mainstreaming : the case of finance and economic development sector of the Southern Nation, Nationalities and Peoples Regional State of Ethiopia
Degefe, G.T. (Student); Koucher, A.
The communication between the ANWB and its French external services
Renee Schelle (Student); Odile Reure (Begeleider)
The human factor in public procurement
Evelien van Wijngaarden (Student); T.A. Parlevliet (Begeleider)
Effects of the income generating activities project on the livelihood of Volunteer Care Givers and on their service delivery to HIV/AIDS affected households : a case of Sedze cluster in Chitsanza ward, Zimbabwe
Toperesu, E. (Student); Kingma, J.T.; Put, M.J.M.J.
Nokia's reputation and the SOMO Report
Z. Kahar (Begeleider); Annemarie de Weijer (Student)
Evaluation of Farmer Research Extension Group (FREG) as extension approach: the experience of Sida - Amhara Rural Development Program in Kalu District, of Amhara Region, Ethiopia
Abebe, E.Z. (Student); Put, M.; Witteveen, L.