Inhibited: youth participation in Mamar system
Rosario, P. (Student); Leyequién Abarca, E.
The agency of survivors of domestic violence
Mena, C. (Student); Witteveen, L.M.
Integrated water management Lake Rawapening
Soeprobowati, T.; Asmoro, P.; Maas, P.M.F. van der (Lector)
Knowledge exchange on climate adaptation best management practices for sustainable water management in resilient cities
Boogaard, Floris; Venvik, Guri
Influence of soil and topography on success of post-mine rehabilitation in Indonesia
Paatsch, J. (Student); Meer, P.J. van der
Baseline waterquality Brantas, Indonesia
Boogaard, Floris
Research for implementing health promotion regarding non-communicable diseases for elderly people
Evelyn van der Kooi (Student); Femia Koopmans (Student); Hyllan Weijer (Begeleider)
The implementation of child participation-based approach through forum theatre to address violence against children
Roosahandita, A.D. (Student); Arensbergen, P. van
Upscaling sustainable horticulture value chain of women urban farmer groups in Bogor City, West Java, Indonesia
Satyasari, I. (Student); Meer, P.J. van der