Acute and Chronic Stress in Daily Police Service
Giessing, Laura; Oudejans, Raôul R.D. (Centre Of Expertise Urban Vitality); Hutter, Vana; Plessner, Henning; Strahler, Jana; Frenkel, Marie Ottilie
Designing digitally-augmented feedback for physical education
Yudan Ma; Bin Yu; Steven Vos; Joep van de Ven; Tilde Bekker; Jun Hu
Managing innovative suppliers
Staal, Anne; Tookey, John; Seadon, Jeff; Mobach, Mark P.
Management innovation and organisational performance: the mediating role of high performance organisation framework
B. Honyenuga; P.W.Th. Ghijssen; Ron Tuninga
Why Novel Sanitary Systems are Hardly Introduced?
Micha Blanken (Lid Lectoraat); Cees Verweij (Lid Lectoraat); K.F. (Karel) Mulder (Lector)
Selfevaluation tool for learning by children in a maker space
van Eijck, Tom (Kenniscentrum Onderwijs En Opvoeding); Pijls, Monique (Kenniscentrum Onderwijs En Opvoeding); Kragten, Marco (Kenniscentrum Onderwijs En Opvoeding)
No More Surprises: Stand Assignment Algorithm with Likelihood of Turnaround Time Deviation
Bagamanova, Margarita; Mujica Mota, Miguel
Effectiveness energy subsidies on office transformations
Tubbergh, AL (Amber) van (Student)
Perception and Performance in Stroke Patients
Silvia Méndez Roldán (Student); Roderick Wondergem (Begeleider)
Een betere reputatie middels social media
Tamara Tetteroo (Student)