Adaptation to climate change
Roggema, Rob
Measuring the thresholds in decision making on outsourcing
Drs. Lenny Visser; Prof. Drs. Cees Ruijgrok
Logistics Collaboration between Shippers and Logistics Service Providers. Observations in the chemical industry
Drs. Lenny Visser
Conventional chest physiotherapy compared to other airway clearance techniques for cystic fibrosis
Main, E; Prasad, A; van der Schans, Cees (Healthy Ageing, Allied Health Care And Nursing)
The CIRRUS apprach towards "Integration of sustainable development in higher technical education"
Jan Venselaar (Lector)
Result-responsibility and integral information processes
J. Heijnsdijk; J.A.M. Oonincx
Integraal Ontwerpen, een nieuwe verleiding voor techniek
T.M.E. Zaal (Lector)