Constructed Wetlands for Stormwater Treatment from Specific (Dutch) Industrial Surfaces
Boogaard, Floris; Blom, Johan; van den Bulk, Joost; Stefanakis, Alexandros
Finding new ways to collaborate and exchange internationally: European Honours Council
Hogenstijn, Maarten; Veenstra, Pieter; Wolfensberger, Marca; Weerheijm, R.; Fischer, Christian; Eyckmans, Marleen; van Gerven, Vivian
High resolution thermal stress mapping in africa
Boogaard, Floris; Kluck, Jeroen; de Groen, Marieke
Urban climate resilience European-African knowledge exchange toolbox
Boogaard, Floris; de Groen, Marieke; Heikoop, Rick
A prospective international observational prevalence study on prone positioning of ARDS patients
investigators of the APRONET Study Group, the REVA Network, the Réseau recherche de la Société Française d’Anesthésie-Réanimation (SFAR-recherche) and the ESICM Trials Group
Flood model Bergen Norway and the need for (sub-)surface innovations for eXtreme Climatic EventS (INXCES)
Boogaard, Floris; Kluck, Jeroen; Bosscher, Michael; Schoof, Govert
The 19th Annual Congress of European Public Relations Education and Research Association (EUPRERA 2017)
Kviatek, Beata
Web-based international knowledge exchange tool on urban resilience and climate proofing cities:
Boogaard, Floris
Webbased international knowledge exchange tool on urban resilience and climate proofing cities
Boogaard, Floris; Tipping, J.; Kluck, J. (City Net Zero)
Web-based international knowledge exchange tool on urban resilience and climate proofing cities
Boogaard, Floris; Tipping, Jonathan; Muthanna, T.; Duffy, A.; Bendall, Barry; Kluck, Jeroen