Understanding how the value chains of e-bus public transport work for six European regions
Marjoke de Boer (Onderzoeker)
Boonstra, M.; Bal, J.; Reitsma, P.
E-COOL Interreg
Grit, Alexander; Mertens, Adri; Visser, Ingrid; Assink, Klaske; Vroom, Sander
SEEV4-city Flexpower 1
Buatois, Aymeric; Bons, Pieter (Faculteit Techniek (Ft)); van den Hoed, Robert; Piersma, Nanda; Prateek, Ramesh
SPIRIT A shared proces in regional innovation
Foorthuis, Willem; Lutz, Sabine; Haan, Albert
EU Week of the Regions and Cities
van der Klauw, Elly
Generating Impact through Applied Research
Degens, Nick
Economics and environmental impact of water lentil protein for human consumption
Vries, J.W. de (Associate Lector); Masselink, S.J.F.P. (Onderzoeker); Wolff, A.R. de (Onderzoeker); Eweg, H.P.A. (Lector)
Regional RIGHT Report on Energy Sector Groningen
Fokkens, Bas; Wolters, Rob; Manickam, Anu (International Business); van Lieshout, Harm (Human Capital)