Analogical Reasoning in Biomimicry Design Education
Laura Stevens (Onderzoeker)
Teacher strategies that foster students’ boundary-crossing expertise when addressing problems with wicked tendencies
Marieke Veltman (Lid Lectoraat); J. (Hanno) van Keulen; Joke Voogt
Improving metacognition through self-explication in a digital self-regulated learning tool
Braad, Eelco; Degens, Nick; Barendregt, Wolmet; IJsselsteijn, Wijnand
Female executives and corporate governance
Ana Pandurevic (Student); Vanessa Yazbek (Docent); Hélène Kolmodin (Begeleider)
Nominated for the HZ Stern 2022Teaching Artistic Strategies
Bennema, Frederiek
Comparing lab and field agility kinematics in young football girls
DiPaolo, Stefano; Nijmeijer, Eline M; Bragonzoni, Laura; Dingshoff, Evelien; Gokeler, Alli; Benjaminse, Anne
Cultivating Cooperative Relationships
Laura Stevens (Onderzoeker)
Building from the Bottom Up
Laura Stevens (Onderzoeker)
Using machine learning to understand students' gaze patterns on graphing tasks
Alex Lyford (Onderzoeker); Lonneke Boels (Onderzoeker)