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The impact of the annual fishing ban on the household food security and the coping strategies of Chiwempala fish traders in Chingola District, Zambia
Simalumba, P.L. (Student); Uffelen, G.-J. van
Assessing the current livelihood status of the resettled San community: the case of Sustainable Livelihoods Project for Bravo Resettled Community in Kavango-west region, Namibia
Ndeilenga, P. (Student); Kingma, K.
Comparative study on the effects of relocation on social and natural livelihood assets of men and women in Kore community : a case study of Nechisar National Park in Ethiopia
Biru, M. (Student); Westendorp, A.
Examining the livelihood strategies of intensive vegetable farmers in the spate of urbanisation in Kumasi Metropolis, Ghana
Adusei, F.Y. (Student); Vermerris, P.; Eweg, R.
Assessing shea nut processing and income of shea nut producing communities to household food accessibility: a case of Nakolo in Kassena Nankana West District in the upper east region of Ghana
Bulmuo, M.M. (Student); Hesselink, E.
Impact of goat development project on livelihood assets: the case of Northern Red Sea Region in Eritrea
Mehanzel, S.H. (Student); Hesselink, E.
The performance of UDSML in relation to pork value chain in Tamale metropolitan area
Afari, E.D. (Student); Oude Luttikhuis, R.
The tango of aids and coffee farming households : coping mechanisms of households to mitigate the impacts of aids on human capital in coffee production systems of Masaka District in Uganda
Musenze, R. (Student); Kingma, K.
Resilience of female headed farming households in times of drought : a case study of Enderta woreda, female headed households Tigray, Ethiopia in times of drought
Ahmed, H.M. (Student); Witteveen, L.M.
Women development fund : a catalyst for reducing susceptibility to HIV infection among women : the case of Nsimbo village, Tanzania
Mnyipembe, D.D. (Student); Put, M.J.M.J.