Koe en boer on tour : een onderzoek naar de aanknopingspunten en een communicatieadvies t.b.v. uitrol van het gedachtegoed van Kracht van Koeien
Veenstra, E.T. (Student); Dijkstra, B.; Dinteren, G. van
Opportunities and needs for Warana union to expand milk procurement chain in dry land area of Satara district in Maharashtra state (India)
Kale, P. (Student); Meinderts, J.H.
Adoption of improved livestock production technologies and its implications for food accessibility among small ruminant farmers in rural Wa municipality of Ghana
Dumeh, G. (Student); Oude Luttikhuis, W.M.T.
Investigating the economic potential of pastoralism : the case of Maasai pastoral beef chain in Kajiado district Kenya
Ngochembo, G.G. (Student); onbekend
Changing history: “pastoralist women raise goats to improve livelihoods” : the case of improved goat project supported by KADP in Karamoja, Uganda
Loput, S.P. (Student); Grijpma, L.
Brand in veestallen : onderzoek naar de omvang, ernst, oorzaken, preventie- en bestrijdingsmogelijkheden van brand in rundvee-, varkens- en pluimveestallen
Looije, M. (Student); Smit, M. (Student); Dijkstra, B.; Vogelzang, I.
Gender issues in dairy goat keeping : a case for Murang’a district, Central Province, Kenya
Githae, N.M. (Student); Westendorp, A.M.B.
Possibility of introducing Smallholder Beef Cattle Farmer’s Association as a starting point to develop the beef cattle chain and improve their income in Arua district, Uganda
Candia, A. (Student); Baars, R.; Hoekstra, J.
Effects of the 2007/8 post election violence on milk marketing sysems : a case of smallholder farmers in Uasin Gishu District, Kenya
Shaba, R.A. (Student); Verweij, F.; Baars, R.
Artificial insemination : a case in Anuradhapura District, Sri Lanka
Karawita, G. (Student); Oude Luttikhuis, W.M.T.; Baars, R.