The cerebral organization of audiomotor transformations in music
Harris, Robert; de Jong, Bauke
Four Weeks of Goal-Directed Learning in Primary Physical Education Classes.
Sebastiaan Platvoet; M.T. Elferink-Gemser; Rianne Kannekens; Mark de Niet; C. Visscher
Analogy of learning in Parkinson's; as easy as a walk on the beach
Melanie Kleynen (Lid Lectoraat); Michael Nunns; Susy Braun (Lid Lectoraat); Victoria Goodwin; Li-Juan Jie (Lid Lectoraat); Mark Wilson
Enhanced retention of drop vertical jump landing technique
Welling, Wouter; Benjaminse, Anne; Gokeler, Alli; Otten, Bert
The contribution of advanced glycation end product (AGE) accumulation to the decline in motor function
Drenth, Hans; Bunt, Steven; Bautmans, Ivan; van der Schans, Cees (Healthy Ageing, Allied Health Care And Nursing); Hobbelen, Hans (Ageing And Allied Health Care); Zuidema, Sytse U
SUN-PP223: Reduced Lean Body Mass Within School Children With Normal BMI is Associated with Low Gross Motor Performance
van Kernebeek, T.; de Schipper, A.W.; Engberink, M.F.; Toussaint, H.; Weijs, P.J. (Lectoraat Voeding En Beweging)
Multidisciplinary Views on Applying Explicit and Implicit Motor Learning in Practice
Melanie Kleynen; Susy Braun; Sascha M. C. Rasquin; Michel H. C. Bleijlevens; Monique Lexis; Jos Halfens; Mark R. Wilson; Rich S.W. Masters; Anna J. Beurskens
Is motor performance in 5.5-year-old children associated with the presence of generalized joint hypermobility?
de Boer, Rosa M.; van Vlimmeren, Leo A.; Scheper, Mark C.; Nijhuis-van der Sanden, Maria W.G.; Engelbert, Raoul H.H.
Activities of daily living in children with developmental coordination disorder
Moraal-van der Linde, Berdien; Netten, Jaap; Otten, Bert; Postema, Klaas; Geuze, Reint; Schoemaker, Marina
Pattern recognition and motor learning
Harris, Robert