Mechanical response of hybrid laminated polymer nanocomposite structures
Georgantzinos, S.K.; Stamoulis, Konstantinos P. (Lectoraat Aviation Engineering); Markolefas, S.I.
Prospective clinical evaluation of 765 partial glass-ceramic posterior restorations luted using photo-polymerized resin composite in conjunction with immediate dentin sealing
Van den Breemer, Carline R G; Buijs, Gerrit J; Cune, Marco S; Özcan, Mutlu; Kerdijk, Wouter; Van der Made, Stephan; Gresnigt, Marco M M
The optimal load profile for the Nieuw Statendam
Michael Spaan (Student); J. Gent (Begeleider); Bertha Ooms - de Waal (Begeleider)
The effects of integrating work-related factors and improving cooperation in musculoskeletal physical therapy practice: protocol for the ‘WORK TO BE DONE’ cluster randomised controlled trial
Hutting, N (Nathan) (Phd); Oswald, W (Wiebke) (Researcher); Nijhuis-van der Sanden, M (Ria) (Professor); Filart, M (Monique) (Lectoratemember); Raaijmakers, T (Tamara); Bieleman, A (André) (Associatelector); Staal, B (Bart) (Lector); Heerkens, Y (Yvonne) (Lector)
Co-digestion of cow and sheep manure: Performance evaluation and relative microbial activity
Li, Yu; Achinas, Spyridon; Zhao, Jing; Geurkink, Bert; Krooneman, Janneke (Bioconversion And Fermentation Technology); Euverink, Gerrit Jan Willem
A Process Evaluation of a Performance Psychology Intervention for Transitioning Elite and Elite Musicians
Kegelaers, Jolan; Oudejans, Raôul R.D. (Faculteit Bewegen, Sport En Voeding)
Comparative effectiveness of international osteoarthritis management program clinical cohorts: a project of the oarsi joint effort initiative in collaboration with the OA trial bank
Eyles, J.P.; Hunter, D.J.; Abbott, A.; Abbott, J.H.; Bierma-Zeinstra, S.; Dahlberg, L.; Dziedzic, K.; Holden, M.; Holm, I.; Healey, E.; Hurley, M.; Jönsson, T.; Svensson, G. Limbäck; Nero, H.; O'Donnell, J.; Riley, R.; Risberg, M.; van der Esch, M. (Lectoraat Interdisciplinaire Zorg Voor Chronische Gewrichtsaandoeningen); van Middelkoop, M.; Bowden, J.L.
CEOs versus Members’ Evaluation of Cooperative Performance
Xiao Peng (Lid Lectoraat); Qiao Liang; Wendong Deng; George Hendrikse
Evaluation of the cognitive-motor performance of adults with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy in a hand-related task
Nizamis, K (Kostas) (Phd); Schutte, W (Wouter) (Researcher); Grutters, J.J (Jan) (Researcher); Rijken, N.H.M. (Noortje) (Researcher); Koopman, B.F.J.M. (Bart) (Professor); Goseling, J. (Jasper) (Researcher)
The effects of integrating work-related factors and improving cooperation in musculoskeletal physical therapy practice: protocol for the 'WORK TO BE DONE' cluster randomised controlled trial.
Nathan Hutting; Wiebke Oswald; Ria Nijhuis-van der Sanden; M. Filart; T. Raaijmakers; H.J. Bieleman; Bart Staal; Yvonne Heerkens