Zocht je misschien: physiotherapists?
Perspectives of Dutch Physiotherapists on Self-Management Support
Leontien van Wely; J.C. Boiten; J. Verhoef; Belinda H.W. Eijckelhof; S.M. van Hooft (Docent); A.L. van Staa (Lector); P.D.D.M. Roelofs (Onderzoeker)
Construct validity and inter-rater reliability of the Dutch activity measure for post-acute care “6-clicks” basic mobility form to assess the mobility of hospitalized patients
Sven Geelen; Karin Valkenet; Cindy Veenhof (Lector)
Construct validity and inter-rater reliability of the Dutch activity measure for post-acute care “6- clicks” basic mobility form to assess the mobility of hospitalized patients
Sven J.G. Geelen; Karin Valkenet; Cindy Veenhof (Lector)
Feasibility of a home-based exercise intervention with remote guidance for patients with stable grade II and III gliomas
Karin Gehring (Onderzoeker); Corelien Kloek (Lid Lectoraat); Neil K. Aaronson (Onderzoeker); Kasper W. Janssen (Onderzoeker); Lee W. Jones (Onderzoeker); Margriet Sitskoorn (Onderzoeker); Martijn M. Stuiver (Onderzoeker)
(Cost-)effectiveness of an internet-based physical activity support program (with and without physiotherapy counselling) on physical activity levels of breast and prostate cancer survivors: design of the PABLO trial
van de Wiel, H. J.; Stuiver, M. M. (Faculteit Gezondheid); May, A. M.; van Grinsven, S.; Aaronson, N. K.; Retèl, V. P.; Oldenburg, H. S. A.; van der Poel, H. G.; Horenblas, S.; van Harten, W. H.; Groen, W. G.
Feasibility of a home-based exercise intervention with remote guidance for patients with stable grade II and III gliomas
Gehring, Karin; Kloek, Corelien JJ; Aaronson, Neil K; Janssen, Kasper W; Jones, Lee W; Sitskoorn, Margriet M; Stuiver, Martijn M
The patient's perspective of the feasibility of a patient-specific instrument in physiotherapy goal setting
Trudy van der Weijden; Albère Köke (Docent); Anna Beurskens (Lector); Anita Stevens (Lid Lectoraat); Albine Moser (Lid Lectoraat)
Inter-rater reliability analysis of the diaphragm thickness with musculoskeletal ultrasound imaging, during the breathing cycle
Marc Schmitz (Begeleider); Emilie Vallance (Student)
How does injury compensation affect health and disability in patients with complaints of whiplash? A qualitative study among rehabilitation experts-professionals.
Suzan Mooren - van der Meer; M. Pieterse; M. Reneman; J. Verhoeven; J. van der Palen
Exercise-based cardiac rehabilitation in patients with chronic heart failure
H.M. Kemps; S. van der Voort; H. Koers; J.B. Staal; A.J. Achttien; E.J.M. Hendriks; M.W.A. (Tinus) Jongert (Lector)