Digital marketing strategy
Vohradská, M (Markéta) (Student)
Uitstelgedrag scriptie
Luuk Henssen (Student); Wendy op het Veld-Jansen (Begeleider)
The small winegrowers of the Loire Valley on the international market
Lebreton, S. (Student); Kuipers, S.
Beroepsproduct portfolio
Casper Scheltes (Student); Bate Boschma (Begeleider)
Young Professional Portfolio
Reem, NFM (Nicolette) van (Student)
The Travelblog Provider
Schut, EF (Esmee) (Student)
A study on talent management approaches to talent mobility across brand portfolios with regards to job embeddedness
Benjamin Saunders (Student); David Brannon (Begeleider)
Queretaro airport business model
Zuniga Alcaraz, Catya; Boosten, Geert
Samen de weg delen
Nienke Noordhuis (Student); Joost Eskes (Begeleider)
Engelbertink, R (Rik) (Student)