Improving pupils conceptual understanding by an in- and out-of-school science program
Steenbeek, Henderien (Youth, Education And Society); Doornenbal, Jeannette; van Geert, Paul; Geveke, Carla (Youth, Education And Society)
Check-in allocation improvements through the use of a simulation-optimization approach
Mujica Mota, Miguel
Quality Indicators for Safe Medication Preparation and Administration: A Systematic Review
Smeulers, Marian; Verweij, Lotte; Maaskant, Jolanda M.; de Boer, Monica; Krediet, C. T. Paul; Nieveen van Dijkum, Els J. M.; Vermeulen, Hester
A delicate balance: adaptive design and team learning in the operating theatre
Dr. C.M. Dekker-van Doorn
Jeroen Lakerveld; Julia van Weert; Petra Boersma (Lid Lectoraat); Rose-Marie Droes
The art of successful implementation of psychosocial interventions in residential dementia care: a systematic review of the literature based on the RE-AIM framework
Petra Boersma (Lid Lectoraat); Jeroen Lakerveld; Rose-Marie Dröes; Julia C.M. van Weert
Nursing sensitive quality indicators for nursing home care: international review of literature, policy and practice
Guus Munten (Lid Lectoraat)
Desigining new supply chain networks: Tomato and mango case studies
prof Olaf van kooten (Lector)
The effectiveness of substitution of hospital ward care from medical doctors to physician assistants: a study protocol
M.C.J. Timmermans; Anneke van Vught; M. Wensing; Miranda Laurant
Can inspiratory muscle training increase exercise tolerance in endurance athletes by increasing maximal and submaximal exercise capacity?
Sabrina Krusekamp (Student); Chris Burtin (Begeleider)