Completeness of the description of manipulation and mobilisation techniques in randomized controlled trials in neck pain; A review using the TiDieR checklist
Jan Pool (Lid Lectoraat); François Maissan (Lid Lectoraat); Nanna de Waele; Harriët Wittink (Lector); Raymond Ostelo
Illness perceptions associated with patient burden with musculoskeletal pain in outpatient physical therapy practice, a cross-sectional study
E.J. de Raaij (Lid Lectoraat); R.J.W.G. Ostelo; J.F. Maissan (Lid Lectoraat); J. Pool (Lid Lectoraat); P. Westers; H. Wittink (Lector)
Stratified exercise therapy compared with usual care by physical therapists in patients with knee osteoarthritis
Knoop, Jesper; Dekker, Joost; van der Leeden, Marike; de Rooij, Mariëtte; Peter, Wilfred F. H.; van Bodegom-Vos, Leti; van Dongen, Johanna M; Lopuhäa, Nique; Bennell, Kim L.; Lems, Willem F.; van der Esch, Martin (Centre Of Expertise Urban Vitality); Vliet Vlieland, Thea P.M.; Ostelo, Raymond W.J.G.
Preventing frailty in older people
Paola Obbia; Clair Graham; Raymond Duffy; R.J.J. Gobbens (Lector)
“I’m sure we talked about it”: Midwives experiences of ethics education and ethical dilemmas
Michele Megregian; Lisa Kane Low; Cathy Emeis; Raymond de Vries (Lid Lectoraat); Marianne Nieuwenhuijze (Lector)
Dimensions in women’s experience of the perinatal period
Maaike Vogels-Broeke (Lid Lectoraat); Raymond de Vries (Lid Lectoraat); Marianne Nieuwenhuijze (Lector)
Creating guardians of physiologic birth
Suzanne Thompson (Docent); Marianne Nieuwenhuijze (Lector); Lisa Kane Low; Raymond de Vries (Lid Lectoraat)
Invest in Pinterest!
Antoinette van den Bos (Student)
What does quality of life mean to older adults?
van Leeuwen, Karen M.; van Loon, Miriam S.; van Nes, Fenna A.; Bosmans, Judith E.; de Vet, Henrica C. W.; Ket, Johannes C. F.; Widdershoven, Guy A. M.; Ostelo, Raymond W. J. G.
“A powerful midwifery vision”
Suzanne Thompson (Docent); Marianne Nieuwenhuijze (Lector); Lisa Kane Low; Raymond de Vries (Lid Lectoraat)