Getting social with Opium restaurant
Jeroen Smeets (Begeleider); Marin Kwakkelstein (Begeleider); Simone Hackett (Begeleider); Mathilde Kamp (Student)
Introducing to the market through integrated marketing communications.
Geert-jan Verstoep (Begeleider); Roel Raatgever (Begeleider); Anahi Clemens Ramirez (Student); Jeroen van Duffelen (Begeleider)
How Effective are the Kenora court service division's internal communication tactics and strategies?
Morgan Hamp (Student)
Bio-based targeted chemical engineering education
Nathalie Márquez; Jan Venselaar (Lector)
The chain of biomass : analysis for Staatsbosbeheer of the production, logistics and sales of biomass
Leerschool, J. (Student); Jager, D. de; Willemen, M.
Adviesrapport werven van vrijwilligers
Han Lubberink (Begeleider); Renske de Beer (Student)
Website Optimization UCee Station
E.C.J. Nieuweboer (Begeleider); Tatjana Brandl (Student)
Alternative routes to teaching in secondary education in the Netherlands
Sanneke Bolhuis (Lector)