Zocht je misschien: situations, situation?
Situational awareness for health and safety
Teeuw, W.B. (Wouter) (Lector)
Applied Strategic Marketing
Alsem, Karel Jan (Marketing And Entrepreneurship)
Informal caregivers’ judgements on sharing care with home care professionals from an intersectional perspective: the influence of personal and situational characteristics
Wittenberg, Y. (Lectoraat Langdurige Zorg En Ondersteuning); de Boer, A.; Plaisier, I.; Verhoeff, A.; Kwekkeboom, R. (Lectoraat Langdurige Zorg En Ondersteuning)
Pedagogic practices in vocational communities to support novices' workplace learning
L. Ceelen (Onderzoeker); Dr. A. Khaled (Onderzoeker); Prof. dr. A.F.M. Nieuwenhuis (Onderzoeker); Prof. dr. E. de Bruijn (Lector)
An Explorative Study Into Situational Artefact Construction in Business Rules Management
Sam Leewis (Lid Lectoraat); Martijn Zoet (Onderzoeker); Koen Smit (Lid Lectoraat)
Deskundigheidsbevordering door middel van e-learning
Grijsen, M (Michelle) (Student)
Solving Problems by Implementing a Business Rules Management System
Sam Leewis (Lid Lectoraat); Martijn Zoet (Onderzoeker); Matthijs Berkhout (Lid Lectoraat); Koen Smit (Lid Lectoraat)
Data analysis within the Netherlands coastguard
J.P.H. Kalden
Mindfulness in the Dutch Military, Train Your Brain
T. Bijlsma; Susanne Muis; Anouk van Tilborg
How does knowledge about the criteria for an upcoming test relate to adolescents’ situational motivation in physical education?
Steven Vos; Leen Haerens; Christa Krijgsman; Athanasios Mouratidis; Lars Borghouts; Greet Cardon; Nathalie Aelterman