Bounded freedom: common grounds & different perspectives in the classroom
Kingma, Tineke; Schilder, Eelco
Developing a Researcher identity as Teacher Educator.
A. Swennen; Gerda Geerdink; M. Volman
Educational pedagogy of professionalism
Loes Houweling (Onderzoeker); Aziza Mayo (Lector)
The contribution of graduation research to school development
Snoek, Marco (Faculteit Onderwijs En Opvoeding (Foo)); Bekebrede, Judith; Hanna, Fadie (Kenniscentrum Onderwijs En Opvoeding); Creton, Theun; Edzes, Hester
The factors influencing the sense of home in nursing homes: a systematic review from the perspective of residents
M.D. Rijnaard; J. van Hoof (Docent); B.M. Janssen (Docent); H. Verbeek; W. Pocornie; A. Eijkelenboom; H.C. Beerens; S.L. Molony; E.J.M. Wouters (Lector)
Dutch care innovation units in elderly care
Miranda Snoeren (Lector); Patricia Volbeda (Docent); Theo Niessen (Onderzoeker); T.A. Abma
Complexity in Education
Cok Bakker (Lector); Nicolina Montesano Montessori (Associate Lector)
ons of life's most precious gifts
Msc Marieke van Asten (Lid Lectoraat)
Innovations in multidisciplinary education in healthcare and technology
Joost van Hoof (Docent); Elisabeth L.M. Zwerts-Verhelst (Docent); Marianne E. Nieboer (Docent); Eveline J.M. Wouters (Lector)
Concordance between experiences of bereaved relatives, physicians, and nurses with hospital end-of-life care: everyone has their 'own truth’
F.E. Witkamp (Docent); L. van Zuylen; Y. Vergouwe; C.C.D. van der Rijt; A. van der Heide