Costs and benefits of green roof types for cities and building owners
Sita H. van der Meulen (Lid Lectoraat)
Boosting the entrepreneurial scene in cities: experiences and reflections from the InFocus network – a short communication
Van Winden, Willem (Kenniscentrum Fbe)
Urbanism on water and ecology: The early example of Westerpark, Breda
Roggema, Rob; Roggema, Rob
Bijeenkomst klimaatadaptatie water natuurlijk
Roest, Allard
Plastic flowers and mowed lawns: the exploration of everyday unsustainability
H.N. (Helen) Kopnina (Onderzoeker)
The 58th ERSA-Congress
Bulder, E.A.M.
Reinforcing the inclusivity of spatial planning processes for a sustained impact of urban renewal programs in Amsterdam
Suurenbroek, F. (Lectoraat Bouwtransformatie); Spanjar, G. (Lectoraat Bouwtransformatie); Switzer, A. (Lectoraat Coördinatie Grootstedelijke Vraagstukken); Majoor, S. (Lectoraat Coördinatie Grootstedelijke Vraagstukken)
Research results of a new governance method in climate adaptation
Boogaard, Floris; Heikoop, Rick; Bosscher, Michael; Akkerman, Olof
European Cities in the Knowledge Economy
van den Berg, Leo; Pol, Peter M.J.; van Winden, Willem (Kenniscentrum Fbe); Woets, Paulus
Advancing the evidence base for sustainable city-region food systems [Meeting the growing appetite of cities - delivering an evidence base for urban food policy]
Wertheim-Heck, Sigrid; van Bossum, Jessica; Levelt, Melika (City Net Zero)