The development and validation of a five factor model of sources of self-efficacy in clinical nursing education
Prof. Dr. Rene Schalk; Dr. Wouter Reynaert (Lector); Dr. Johan Braeken; Drs. Henk Gloudemans (Docent)
The influence of friendship groups and media on eating behavior and physical activity in adolescents
Prof Rinie Geenen; Dr Eveline Wouters (Lector)
When sheep trust the shepherd
J. Snoek (Begeleider); J. Bruinsma- de Beer (Begeleider); Beate J. van Vliet (Student)
Analysis of the role of the A. niger aminolevulinic acid synthase (hemA) gene illustrates the difference between regulation of yeast and fungal heme and siroheme dependent pathways
Arthur F.J. Ram; C.A. van den Hondel; Christien Lokman; P.J. Punt; S. de Weert; A.C. Franken
Influence of Social Networks on Adolescent Obesity In: Friendships: cultural variations, developmental issues and impact on health.
Dr Eveline Wouters (Lector); Prof Rinie Geenen
Optimising Nokia's marketing approach based on consumer behaviour
José Hoogland (Student); P.M. Koelemij (Begeleider)
How can CityFilm export its concept successfully to Sao Paulo?
L.J. Harris (Begeleider); Maaike M. Lalleman (Student)
Human Rights in China : the role of multinational enterprises
M.J. Weijerman-Kerremans (Begeleider); Matthijs A.G. Plijnaar (Student)
Digital Marketing and Measurement Model
Joanna Kurek (Student); W. B. van Dam (Begeleider)
Participation of the lower-educated in the Netherlands
Rob Gründemann (Lector); Ben Fruytier (Lector)