The impact of substituting general practitioners with nurse practitioners on resource use, production and health-care costs during out-of-hours: a quasi-experimental study
M van der Biezen; Eddy Adang; R. van der Burgt; M. Wensing; Miranda Laurant
Solo emergency care by a physician assistant versus an ambulance nurse: a cross-sectional document study
A. Bloemhoff; Lisette Schoonhoven; A.J.L. de Kreek; PM van Grunsven; Miranda Laurant; Sivera Berben
Patients' experience with intermittent catheterisation in everyday life
H Cobussen-Boekhorst; E Hermeling; J Heesakkers; Betsie van Gaal
Improving the governance of patient safety in emergency care: a systematic review of interventions
G Hesselink; S Berben; T Beune; L Schoonhoven
Reproducibility of 3D kinematics and surface electromyography measurements of mastication.
Lianne Remijn; B.E. Groen; R. Speyer; J. van Limbeek; M.W.G. Nijhuis -van der Sanden
The effect of interventions in reducing sedentary time in adults with a non-communicable disease
Julia Agmon (Student); Roderick Wondergem (Begeleider)
Learning space preferences of higher education students
Ronald Beckers; Theo van der Voordt; Geert Dewulf
Care for a Sustainable Planet
E.J. van Weperen (Begeleider); Marjolein R. Koehler (Student)
Determinants of activation for self-management in patients with COPD
Marieke J. Schuurmans (Lector); J.-W.J. Lammers; J.C.A. Trappenburg; J.M. de Man-van Ginkel; Yvonne J.G. Korpershoek (Lid Lectoraat); I.D. Bos-Touwen