Applied psychology (Part 2) At the mercy of smart devices
Graaf, JW (Jan Willem) de (Lector)
Ethics as Creativity in Design (editorial)
Dorrestijn, S. (Steven) (Lector); Eggink, (Wouter ) (Onderzoeker)
Graduation Thesis Andrii Roizin
Roizin, AI (Andrii) (Student)
Circular Workwear: Alternative Textile Dyeing Technologies
Ivanova, LK (Lilia) (Student)
Developing & designing an interactive application for teaching teenagers about sustainable fashion
Oosthof, R (Rick) (Student)
GeoFort VR Flooding
Picker, L (Lisanne) (Student)
Relationship quality in higher education and the interplay with student engagement and loyalty
Ingrid Snijders (Onderzoeker); Lisette Wijnia (Onderzoeker); Rebecca Kuiper (Onderzoeker); Remy Rikers (Onderzoeker); Sofie Loyens (Onderzoeker)
A comparative analysis of financial literacy levels and initiatives among students in five European countries
Cannistrà, Marta; Agasisti, Tommaso; Amagir, Aisa (Faculteit Onderwijs En Opvoeding (Foo)); Poder, Kaire; Holz, Oliver; Vartiak, Lukas; De Witte, Kristof
How do higher education students regulate their learning with video modeling examples, worked examples, and practice problems?.
Milou van Harsel (Phd); Vincent Hoogerheide; Eva Janssen; P.P.J.L. Verkoeijen (Lector); Tamara van Gog
Variantenstudie voor de vluchtveiligheid in luchtdichte appartementen
Jesse Munnik (Student)