An Investigation of Factors Influencing Entrepreneurial Intention amongst University Students
Kör, Burcu (Amsib (Cedis)); Wakkee, Ingrid; Mutlutürk, Meltem
Bewegen als bindmiddel in Coronatijd
de Jong, Johan (Healthy Lifestyle, Sports And Physical Activity)
Inductielassen van composieten met een variabele dikte
Andre Wels (Student)
Education and development as complex dynamic agent systems:
Steenbeek, Henderien (Diversity In Learning And Behavior); van Geert, Paul; Mascolo, M.; Bidell, T.
Infant Motor Milestones and Childhood Overweight:
Brouwer, Silvia (Sports Science); Stolk, Ronald P.; Bartels, M; van Beijsterveldt, CE; Boomsma, DI; Corpeleijn, Eva
Association between organizational characteristics and adequate pain management at the intensive care unit
Roos-Blom, Marie-José; Dongelmans, Dave; Stilma, Willemke (Faculteit Gezondheid); Spijkstra, Jan Jaap; de Jonge, Evert; de Keizer, Nicolette
Changes in inflammation and musculoskeletal tissue-derived biomarker serum levels in response to high- and low-intensity resistance training in individuals with knee osteoarthritis
Jansen, N.E.; Engstrøm, A.; Thudium, C.S.; Bay-Jensen, A-C.; de Zwart, A.H.; Dekker, J.; Lems, W.F.; Gerritsen, M.; van Spil, W.E.; Jaspers, R.T.; Turkstra, F.; van der Leeden, M.; van der Esch, M. (Lectoraat Interdisciplinaire Zorg Voor Chronische Gewrichtsaandoeningen)
What matters to me – a web-based preference elicitation tool for clients in long-term care
Catharina M. van Leersum; Albine Moser (Lid Lectoraat); Ben van Steenkiste; Marion Reinartz; Esther Stoffers; Judith R. L. M. Wolf; Trudy van der Weijden
Thermal disinfection of hospital wastewater in a pilot‑scale continuous‑flow system
Śmiech, K.M. (Lid Lectoraat); Kovács, T. (Student); Wildschut, R.F.; Criado Monleon, A.J.; Vries-Onclin, B. de; Bowen, J.G.; Agostinho , L.L.F. (Lector)
Thermal walk in practice - Marineterrein
Caverzam Barbosa, Erica; Klok, Lisette