New vortex-lift and tangential-force models for HAWT aerodynamic load prediction
Elgammi, Moutaz; Schepers, Gerard (Wind Energy); Osta-Oma, Salem
Building bridges in higher education
Ingrid Snijders (Onderzoeker); Lisette Wijnia (Onderzoeker); Remy Rikers (Onderzoeker); Sofie Loyens (Onderzoeker)
Revisiting the flaws and pitfalls using simulation in the analysis of aviation capacity problems
Mujica Mota, Miguel; Flores, Idalia
A Structural Model For Student Success And The Predictive Value Of A Study Choice Test
Wesseling, N. (Faculteit Digitale Media En Creatieve Industrie (Fdmci))
The factors that determine the degree of women's participation in the military
Naomi Faasse (Student)
The influence of clinical variables on the risk of developing chronic conditions in ICU survivors
van Beusekom, Ilse; Bakhshi-Raiez, Ferishta; van der Schaaf, Marike (Faculteit Gezondheid); Dongelmans, Dave A; Busschers, Wim B; de Keizer, Nicolette F
Leader–member exchange
Eli Ayawo Atatsi; Jol Stoffers (Lector); Petru Curşeu; Ad J. Kil
Determinants of dietary behaviour in wheelchair users with spinal cord injury or lower limb amputation: Perspectives of rehabilitation professionals and wheelchair users
Jasmijn Holla; Lizanne E. van den Akker; Tessa Dadema; Sonja de Groot (Onderzoeker); Michael Tieland; Peter Weijs; Marije Deutekom
Improving trenching equipment by using alternative jet nozzles configurations
Mark Roos (Student); Marco Gatto (Begeleider); Lennart van Baalen (Begeleider)