Extending the concept and modularization of project management maturity with adaptable, human and customer factors
Beverly Pasian (Lid Lectoraat)
Internationalization: Interpretations Among Dutch Practitioners
dr. Haijing de Haan (Lid Lectoraat)
Towards a trust and attention based management concept : paying attention to attention first
Henny van Lienden; Marco Oteman (Lid Lectoraat)
Organizing local ‘green’ entrepreneurship
Gerrita van der Veen (Lector); Sven Willemsen (Lid Lectoraat)
Customer value in legal services : a contingency approach
Esther Verboon (Lid Lectoraat)
Towards an effective workspace design by end-user emancipation
Kok, Herman; Mobach, Mark P. (Facility Management); Omta, Onno; Alexander, Keith
Perceived control in health care: a conceptual model based on experiences of frail older adults
Claassens, L; Widdershoven, G A; Van Rhijn, S C; Van Nes, F; Broese van Groenou, M I; Deeg, D J H; Huisman, M
The design process of an urban experience
Nigten, Anne
Variation in individual behaviour of semi-wild Scottish highland cattle (Bos taurus spp.) in relation to weather conditions, day-time and habitat
Heising, K. (Student); Smid, J. (Student); Belle, J. van; Rietberg, M.W.
Using Pull Strategy for Curricula Design on Entrepreneurship Education.
Hammer, M.H.M. (Matthijs) (Teacher); Meer, J.D. (Han) van der (Lector)