An application of a synchromodal maturity model
K.M.R. (Kristel) Alons-Hoen; G.H.L. Somers; J.H.R. van Duin
Towards automated container transportation by integrating blockchain technology: a case study at XL Businesspark in Almelo
J.H.R. van Duin; S. Dharmasastha; J.P.S. Piest
Education in Sport and Physical Activity
Petry, Karen; de Jong, Johan (Healthy Lifestyle, Sports And Physical Activity)
The potential of robotics for the development and wellbeing of children with disabilities as we see it
Renée van den Heuvel (Onderzoeker); Rianne Jansens (Onderzoeker); Brenda Littler (Onderzoeker); Claire Huijnen (Onderzoeker); Alessandro Di Nuovo (Onderzoeker); Andrea Bonarini (Onderzoeker); Lorenzo Desideri (Onderzoeker); Pedro Encarnação (Onderzoeker); Anna Lekova (Onderzoeker); Luc de Witte (Onderzoeker)
Toolbox Kritisch Denken in de beroepsopleiding
Marion Tillema
Gezond actief ouder worden
van Nes, Fenna; Heijsman, Anke
Sustainability of innovations in higher education
Klaartje van Genugten (Lid Lectoraat)
Muscle-tendon properties and functional gait outcomes in clubfoot patients with and without a relapse compared to typically developing children
S.D.N. Wijnands (Onderzoeker); M.C. van der Steen; L. Grin (Onderzoeker); L. van Oorschot (Onderzoeker); A.T. Besselaar; B. Vanwanseele (Onderzoeker)
Sibo Pan; Xipei Ren; Aarnout Brombacher; Steven Vos