Stumbling, struggling, and shame due to spasticity: a qualitative study of adult persons with hereditary spastic paraplegia.
Hans Kerstens; Ton Satink; M.J. Nijkrake; Bert de Swart; B.J.H. van Lith; A.C.H. Geurts; Ria Nijhuis-van der Sanden
Actions to influence the care network of home-dwelling elderly people: a qualitative study
Wendy Kemper; Marian Adriaansen; Miranda Laurant; M. Wensing
Skill mix change between physicians, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, and nurses in nursing homes: A qualitative study
Marleen Lovink; Anneke van Vught; A. Persoon; R.T.C.M. Koopmans; Miranda Laurant; Lisette Schoonhoven
"Everyone sees you sitting there struggling with your food": experiences of adolescents and young adults with cerebral palsy
Lianne Remijn; Lenie van den Engel-Hoek; Ton Satink; Bert de Swart; Ria Nijhuis-van der Sanden
Reflections of patients and therapists on a multidisciplinary rehabilitation programme for persons with brachial plexus injuries
R. Janssen; Ton Satink; J Ijspeert; N. van Alfen; JT Groothuis; T.L. Packer; Edith Cup
A Qualitative Study of the Working Alliance between Patient and Community Mental Health Nurse during Interpersonal Community Psychiatric Treatment
M. van Veen; A. Peters; N. Mulder; B. van Meijel; Bauke Koekkoek
Tensions experienced by teachers when participating in a professional learning community
H. Schaap; M. Louws; J.A. Meirink; Helma Oolbekkink; A. van der Want; I. Zuiker; R.C. Zwart; P.C. Meijer
Nothing about us, without us: A case study of a consumer-run organization by and for people on the autism spectrum in the Netherlands
KE van den Bosch; A Krzeminska; EY Song; Lineke van Hal; MM Waltz; H Ebben; AP Schippers