Indentity Management binnen Vitalis Woonzorg Groep
Melvin Djojoatmo (Student); Wim Zijlmans (Begeleider)
Corporate Community Involvement and Social Alliances.
Masoud Banbersta (Begeleider); Stefan Ouweneel (Student)
Network Access Control binnen de Hogeschool Utrecht
Danny Verbeek (Student); Leendert van Doesburg (Begeleider)
Free flight aviaries in EAZA zoos
Heuvel, S. van den (Student); Ludwig, K. (Student); Griede, T.; Belle, J. van
Crossing boundaries
Gulmans-Weitenberg, Jitske; Harten, W. (Wim) H. van Harten van
File sharing and its impact on business models in music
Joost Poort; P.W.M. Rutten (Lector)
"Welcome to the area of freedom, security and justice"
Tessa Canters (Student); M. van Munster (Begeleider)
Women in Egypt after the Arab Spring
Moed (Begeleider); Kelly Haak (Student)
Viral Marketing in Today's Global Village
W.B. van Dam (Begeleider); Lieneke Paalman (Student)
Civic Integration in the Netherlands : a New Approach towards Citizenship
Jeanine Klaver (Lid Lectoraat); Arend Odé (Lid Lectoraat)