Arthroscopie knie, productie van een voorlichtingsvideoband
Frank Verhulst (Begeleider); Aniek van Hees (Student); Tineke Maassen (Student); Mark Thielemans (Student); Monica Veeger (Begeleider); Caroline Bazelmans (Student)
Comparing different types of stimuli: demonstrating the effects of exercise therapy along the movement continuum via video
Drew Crowley (Student); Jason Kwak (Student); Richard van Diesen (Begeleider); Natalia Mosley (Student); Annelies Simons (Begeleider); Michael Bramlett (Student)
Effects of aquatic therapy for people with rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis and ankylosing spondylitis on pain, ADL-functioning and Health Related Quality of Life
Kristian M. Kulvik (Student); David de Louw (Begeleider); Monica Veeger (Begeleider); Kim Grana (Student); Giles R.E. Jarret (Student)
1e prijs RGF Scriptieprijs 2002Anaerobic conversion of lactic acid to acetic acid and 1,2-propanediol by Lactobacillus buchneri
Oude Elferink, S J W H; Krooneman, Janneke; Gottschal, J C; Spoelstra, S F; Faber, F (Life Sciences & Renewable Energy); Driehuis, F
Determinants of the acetate recovery factor: implications for estimation of 13C substrate oxidation.
P. Schrauwen; E.E. Blaak; A.J.M. Wagenmakers; L.B. Borghouts (Lector); Dorien P.C. van Aggel-Leijssen
Metabolic and performance responses to constant-load vs variable-intensity exercise in trained cyclists
G.S. Palmer; J.A. Hawley; L.B. Borghouts (Lector); T.D. Noakes
Cross-linking of starch with bifunctional precursors of nitroalkenes
Heeres, André (Biobased Ingredients And Materials); Van Doren, Henk A.; Gotlieb, Kees F.; Kellogg, R. M.; Bleeker, Ido Pieter
Notes on the testability of economic theories* Two theories about economic theory formation
August Swanenberg; Frans van der Reep (Lector)