Cross-Country Differences and Similarities in Undernutrition Prevalence and Risk as Measured by SCREEN II in Community-Dwelling Older Adults
Jos Borkent; H. Keller; C Wham; F Wijers; Marian de van der Schueren
Exploring school leaders' dilemmas in response to tensions related to teacher professional agency
M. Louws; R.C. Zwart; I. Zuiker; P.C. Meijer; Helma Oolbekkink; H. Schaap; A. van der Want
The influence of human resource practices on perceived work ability and the preferred retirement age: A latent growth modelling approach
Karen Pak; Dorien Kooij; Annet de Lange; S. van den Heuvel; Marc van Veldhoven
Where do People Interact in High-rise Apartment Buildings? Exploring the Influence of Personal and Neighborhood Characteristics
Trung Nguyen; P.E.W. van den Berg; A.D.A.M. Kemperman; Masi Mohammadi
An Artificial Intelligence–Based, Personalized Smartphone App to Improve Childhood Immunization Coverage and Timelines Among Children in Pakistan
Abdul Momin Kazi (Onderzoeker); Saad Ahmed Qazi (Onderzoeker); Sadori Khawaja (Onderzoeker); Nazia Ahsan (Onderzoeker); Rao Moueed Ahmed (Onderzoeker); Fareeha Sameen (Onderzoeker); Muhammad Ayub Khan Mughal (Onderzoeker); Muhammad Saqib (Onderzoeker); Sikander Ali (Onderzoeker); Hussain Kaleemuddin (Onderzoeker); Yasir Rauf (Onderzoeker); Mehreen Raza (Onderzoeker); Saima Jamal (Onderzoeker); Munir Abbasi (Onderzoeker); L. (Lampros) Stergioulas (Lector)
Fault Detection and Diagnosis for Indoor Air Quality in DCV systems: Application of 4S3F method and effects of DBN probabilities.
A.C. Taal (Lid Lectoraat); L.C.M. (Laure) Itard
The Influence of Knowledge and Attitude on Intention to Adopt Cybersecure Behaviour
Lisa C. de Kok (Lid Lectoraat); Deborah Oosting (Lid Lectoraat); M.E.M. (Marcel) Spruit (Lector)
Environmental design for an ageing population
Joost van Hoof (Lector); Peter Boerenfijn; D.M. (Deirdre) Beneken genaamd Kolmer (Lector); Hannah R. Marston; Jan K. Kazak; H. (Hilde) Verbeek
Multilateralism as small power strategy
Trineke Palm
Deterrence in Peace Operations
Peter Viggo Jakobsen