Fysieke activiteit gedurende de schooldag - De bijdrage van lichamelijke opvoeding en actief transport naar school
MsC Menno Slingerland (Lid Lectoraat)
Intensiveren en motiveren
Joost Oomen (Begeleider); Jo Verheezen (Student); Menno Slingerland (Begeleider)
Intensiveren en motiveren.
Menno Slingerland (Begeleider); Joost Oomen (Begeleider); Rolf Verheezen (Student)
Organisatie, mvpa & motivatie
Arthur Bukkems (Student); Joost Oomen (Begeleider); Menno Slingerland (Begeleider)
Direct and indirect influence of physical education-based interventions on physical activity: a review.
PhD Lars Borghouts (Lector); MsC Menno Slingerland (Lid Lectoraat)
Bij modern bewegingsonderwijs wordt.....bewogen!
MsC Menno Slingerland (Lid Lectoraat)
Contribution of Physical Education and Active Transport to Energy Expenditure in Adolescents
MsC Menno Slingerland (Lid Lectoraat); PhD Lars Borghouts (Lector)
Physical activity levels during Dutch primary and secondary school physical education
M. Slingerland (Lid Lectoraat); J.M. Oomen (Lid Lectoraat); L.B. Borghouts (Lector)
Contribution of Physical Education and Active Transport to Energy Expenditure in Dutch Adolescents
Menno Slingerland (Lid Lectoraat); dr. Lars B. Borghouts (Lector)
Physical activity and activity type during school recess in elementary schools
Liesbeth Jans (Lid Lectoraat); Drs. Menno Slingerland (Lid Lectoraat); Dr. Lars Borghouts (Lector)