Ethisch actorschap ontwikkelen in onderwijs en praktijk
Raymond Kloppenburg (Lid Lectoraat)
TVET Planning and Development
Jeroen Onstenk (Lector)
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Leontine van de Van (Student); Annemieke van de Weterings-Helmons (Begeleider)
Tourism education as a local pro-poor initiative? : feasibility study of the establishment of a community tourism training college in the Mara Region, Tanzania
Eerden, W. van (Student); Vletter, J. de; Klinken, R. van
Samir's gym
Abdallah, Sebastian; Uitermark, Justus; van Gielen, Amy-Jane; Ham, Marcel
Unauthorised file sharing
J. Poort; P.W.M. Rutten
Verslaafden en reclassering
Anneke Menger (Lector); Jacqueline Bosker (Lid Lectoraat); Donnalee Heij (Docent)
Met spoed van de pijn af : De rol van de traumachirurg in pijnbehandeling op de spoedeisende hulp
Sivera Berben; A. van Vugt; J. Winkelhorst
Self-leadership, Entrepreneurship, Creativity and Productivity in the Netherlands and the United Arab Emirates
John Politis; Paul Breman (Lector)
Hospital nurses' views of the signs and symptoms that herald the onset of the dying phase in oncology patients
van der Werff, G.F.; Paans, Wolter (Nursing Diagnostics); Nieweg, Roos