Social media: a teaching & learning experience with facebook - 24/7 education in the 21st century
Oostindiër, Wim
We are the world... we want to play a game!
Annet Appelman; Marjo van Hoorn (Begeleider); Folkert Haanstra (Begeleider)
Effective 21st century learning: An approach to successful incorporation of the new learning in language teaching
Ouafâ Mhaoui (Student); Heidi van den Tillaar (Begeleider)
Teacher Education in Europe; Main Characteristics and Developments
Snoek, Marco (Faculteit Onderwijs En Opvoeding (Foo)); Žogla, Irēna; Swennen, Anja; van der Klink, Marcel
E-learning activities in educating e-business: a pilot with a process oriented e-learning environment
H. Plessius; Pascal Ravesteijn (Lid Lectoraat)